Electrical Transformers

Electrical transformers designed and manufactured for the accurate primary to secondary transformation of AC electrical power.

Current Transformer – Current measurement transformers designed for electric power monitoring, quality analysis, metering applications.

Current Transducer – Current measurement transducers designed for electric power monitoring, quality analysis, metering applications that require a DC analog signal secondary output

Voltage Transformer – Voltage transformers designed for applications requiring the transformation to levels appropriate for electronic circuits and/or isolation.

Toroidal Power Transformer – Toroidal power transformers designed for applications where a compact form factor, high efficiency, low noise are design requirements.

R-Core Power Transformer – R-Core power transformers designed for applications where a very compact form factor, high efficiency, low flux leakage and lower temperature rise are design requirements.

Many of our products can be designed and manufactured to meet the specific application requirements. For a no obligation technical evaluation, contact us with your specific performance requirements.